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Croatian businessman saved 16 families from the hurricane

Croatian businessman saved 16 families from the hurricane

Among 27 people are women and children. They are workers from the other islands that live in wooden houses and they still don't know if their homes are safe, said Zlatko Marić exclusively for 24sata


Zlatko Marić, owner of the security company Sokol Marić was watching tensely what was happening to Caribbean islands which were stormed by hurricane Irma. On Turks and Caicos Island Maric has a luxury complex that is 50 million dollars worth and which he's been renting for years.

- First information was that that the damage is not big. The villas are build strong, and all windows are attested for hurricanes. Last night the building served as a sanctuary for 16 families, in fact 27 people, among whom there were women and children. They are workers from other islands who live in wooden houses and still don't know if their homes are safe – said Zlatko Marić exclusively for 24sata. His friend have been texting him the whole night.

- There was a total disaster, five or six hours of complete terror. People were scared to death and were hiding in house. The wind was so strong that it seamed like a 60 airplanes flying above them. They were all wondering will the house keep them safe. Still, there's dark and everybody is afraid to go out, so I will have more information in the daytime – said Marić.

The property of Zlatko Marić on Caribbean Island of Turks and Caicos is 330 million kunas worth. He has three villas of which one is 11 million kunas worth. Daily rental costs 66.000 kunas. His first neighbors are actor Bruce Willis, musician Keith Richards and fashion designer Donna Karan. Maric has been renting his Caribbean villas for years, and one of his guests was Kylie Jenner, who celebrated her 19th birthday in one of the houses. Maric's been renting houses trough the real estate agencies, that organize the whole service for the guests.

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